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Boiler Service

When it comes to the boiler in your home it has to be serviced to keep it functioning properly. This means you have to know when to have the boiler serviced and how often to prevent problems before they occur.

The servicing process

Knowing what is involved in servicing will help to make the determination of whether or not it is time to service the boiler in your home. There is more to servicing than just fixing the problems that are being experienced with the boiler and the replacement of parts especially so with new style high efficiency condensing boilers. A visual inspection is normally performed during the servicing of the boiler.

The visual inspection will check both the internal and external aspects of the boiler to ensure there is no visible damage to the unit. Should visible damage be found to any part of the unit then that item will be fixed or replaced depending on where and what it is.

The dangers of not having your boiler serviced

In reality it is up to you just how often you want your boiler inspected for safety. It is suggested that it be done at the same time each year and when the boiler begins to age this becomes even more important, the service can be carried out as part of an boiler service contract or as a one off service. An annual service is a must if your heating system contains an open flue. These can contribute to death from carbon monoxide making it vital to ensure they remain safe.

Things to check regularly

There are some things that you should keep track of regularly in order to get an idea of when your boiler should be serviced. For example, when the water level in the boiler falls to levels that are not adequate for normal functioning or if the low water cut off does not work properly when it is tested you should get the boiler serviced. Also, if the temperature and pressure that the boiler normally operates under suddenly drops or undergoes any other type of drastic change you should have the boiler serviced. The same applies if something out of the ordinary happens to the temperature of the feed water or condensate. A change in pressure for the feed water can also indicate a need for servicing.

There are various other signs to look for as well ,however, the manufacturer’s handbook will often list these in much greater detail


When a decrease in the efficiency of the boiler is noticed it probably means it needs cleaning and servicing. This should be performed as soon as the first signs are noted as you want to keep the boiler as efficient as possible and also as safe as possible. Most manufacturers recommend an annual service and in some cases the boiler’s warranty depends on the service being carried out. A service may seem like an expensive process, however, it is much cheaper than replacing an irreparable boiler.

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